*NOTE: New camera! Blip denial. :( But Vimeo is in! https://vimeo.com/channels/knittydigits*
What’s OFF the needles (YAY!) – Devon by Cookie A (Sock
Innovation). BMF STR Lightweight in Knitters without Borders Size 1 ½ 2.5 mm
Addi Turbos.
What’s on the needles still - Vilai by Cookie A. BMF STR Lightweight in
Titania Size 1 2.25 mm Hiya Hiya needles
Bakktus Scarf Strikkelise http://www.flickr.com/photos/norwayneedles/2963651011
What’s on the Nails & Nail Swag Combining both the swag portion
and the what’s on the nails portion. Got intro box as a Julep maven. www.julep.com (Julep Lisa, Petra, and essential cuticle oil)
The Maven Program: http://www.julep.com/maven.html
Dotting Tools – http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004OHQR1Q/ref=oh_details_o00_s00_i01?ie=UTF8&psc=1
(your welcome…)
still figuring it out…will look
for tutorials.
Doing Julep Lisa with one coat and
Nicole by OPI top coat plus and Seche Vitae as the two top coats. We’ll see.
What I was wearing… Damson by Ysolda Teague in Malabrigo Sock yarn
Botticelli Red. http://www.ravelry.com/projects/knitterlybooklady/damson-2
Stitches West Swag! – Came
back from amazing convention. Spent little less than budgeting and kept with my
goals 1. go with a dyer don’t have and 2. more variety.
Some peeps I talked about:
Spoonflower: http://www.spoonflower.com/welcome
Skeindalous Yarns: http://skeindalous.etsy.com
Slipped Stitch Studios: www.slippedstitchstudios.com
Delicious Yarns: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Delicious-Yarns/135940909897477
(they apparently do NOT have an online store…)
Pawley Studios: www.PawleyStudios.com
Becoming Art: https://becomingart-handmade.com/index.php
Lisa Souza: http://www.lisaknit.com/
Miss Bab’s Yarn: http://www.missbabs.com/
Where to Find Me:
Twitter: jay_crafty_geek
Ravelry: knitterlybooklady
We have a group! Join us! http://www.ravelry.com/groups/the-knitty-digits